Just Better
with JustFoodForDogs

Dr. Chavez, DVM with Rey

Upon graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in London, JustFoodForDogs' Staff Veterinarian, Dr. Chavez, DVM, felt confident with respect to animal nutrition, thanks to the solid foundation he received there.  Soon thereafter the recalls of 2007 exposed the American Pet Food Industry’s inability to prevent a series of events that led to the contamination of commercial protein ingredients with an industrial product called melamine, which resulted in an estimated 3,600 cases of renal failure in pets.  The recall outraged the public and vets like Dr. Chavez, DVM who has a deep interest in clinical nutrition.  There seemed to be a collective question being asked... “Is this the best we can do?” – the answer at JustFoodForDogs is, “No, we can do much better!”

It has been over 150 years since the first commercial dog biscuit was developed by James Spratt in London and although the petfood industry has amassed tremendous pet nutrition knowledge since then, many veterinarians and pet owners are still being told that cans and kibble – and their highly processed ingredients – are still the best food to give to their dogs.  This is simply no longer the case.

Table Top Product - Chicken
At JustFoodForDogs the concept is simple: apply the knowledge we have gained from commercial diets over the last 100 years, as well as the consistently updated information we receive from the National Research Council (NRC), to whole food ingredients to formulate dog food. JFFD uses only ingredients certified for human consumption by the USDA to maximize bioavailability and cooks the food to minimum safe temperatures in their own kitchens in Newport Beach and, by the fall of this year, in West Hollywood. JustFoodForDogs prepares their food fresh daily in small batches, instantly chills it and packages it frozen.

Shawn Buckley, Founder JustFoodForDogs
Today, more people are looking for whole food solutions for their pets. But it would be a mistake to think it's as simple as cooking up some chicken and rice. It is nearly impossible to assemble a variety of food ingredients into a nutritionally balanced canine food without the addition of supplementation. For this reason it is important to select a whole food company that can clearly demonstrate it has taken these considerations into account. JFFD has run all of their daily diets and recipes through novel, humane, at-home AAFCO feeding trials executed by a major Southern California university, has worked closely with board certified specialists in the area on the development of a veterinary line of diets, and regularly tests their food and ingredients through independent laboratories and through board certified veterinary toxicologists. JustFoodForDogs has accomplished “doing it better” and has managed to challenge the traditional way in which the pet food industry functions. Dr. Oscar Chavez, DVM notes, "From the beginning our approach has been to embrace openness, and you can be certain that your pet will be getting the absolute best in canine nutrition available today."

To learn more about JustFoodForDogs, what they do, and how they do it, please visit their website, contact us to arrange a consultation – or simply stop into the kitchen any time.

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