No Rest For The "Lick"ed
with Lisa Scarsi Photography

Lisa Scarsi is a wonderful person inside and out.  Focusing on the bigger picture using her talent and skills as a professional photographer, she offers her time to take beautiful photos of rescued pets in need of new forever homes.   She goes above and beyond her profession to help bring these precious pets together with their new families.   Here is her story...

I run a portraiture studio in Orange County and have for the past 5 years.  I never really set out to be a pet photographer but I started doing pet portraits because a friend asked me to photograph an event for charity.  That event included about 200 pit bulls and their owners.  Once I shot that event I knew I was hooked. 

One of the images I shot at the first Luv-a-Bully event for charity. 

I had always volunteered and supported animal welfare organizations, but I just had not really put the two together – photography and pet rescue work.  Once I did, it set me off on a whole new photographic journey.  More than half my business is pet/animal related.  Some of my pet work is for private clients, some for magazines and some for pet related businesses.  But at least a few times a month I photograph rescue pets pro bono and I think some of my best work has been for nothing more than a few licks from my subjects.  I have helped hundreds of pets find homes by photographing them and this work is definitely the most rewarding.  I work mostly with local pet rescue groups and occasionally with a shelter.  They find me or I somehow meet them somewhere (we tend to run in the same circles – pun intended).  The foster folks bring their charges to my studio in Yorba Linda and I make them look their best.  Just because a pet is a rescue doesn't mean they do not have the potential to be a super model.   Getting a good shot of a pet helps them find a home much faster than the “average snapshot”.  See the “before and after” below.

Black dogs and  cats have a particularly hard time getting adopted.  They call it the “Black Dog effect”.  On top of being perceived as scary and mean they are just plain ‘ole hard to photograph for the amateur photographer.  So I offer up my time to do pro bono shots of dark pets in need of homes whenever I can.  Here is a shot of  Daisy from OC Pit Bull Rescue with Santa.  Daisy is an almost all black pit bull so she had a tough time finding a home.  Shortly after we created this image (around Christmas time) Daisy was adopted. 

So I couldn't wrap up this article without taking the opportunity to show you some of my most recent photo subjects.  These pets are all looking for homes (hint, hint) and you can find out more about them at  Tell ‘em Lisa the photographer sent you.

For more information on Lisa Scarsi Photography, please visit

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